On Monday 3.13.2017, we welcome Sky Casper to the show. Sky produces and promotes LGBTQ events in and around the state of Connecticut. 

Hi, my name is Sky Casper. 

I used to drink a lot and go out way too much, but decided one day that I wanted to change things in Connecticut. I started producing and promoting unique LGBTQ events in the area of Hartford County and New Haven. 

I have done everything from dance parties, socials, speed dating, drag competitions, my most known event “Pink Eggs & Glam,” which is a live singing comedy drag brunch with queens from NYC and LA, which has now been around for two years! 

I’m now managing talent for pride festivals, and hoping to really bring something new and fun to Connecticut. You may have heard about my Facebook group called “Modern Gay Connecticut,” which welcomes everyone in the LGBTQ community in Connecticut to join and help us support all LGBTQ events, talent, and businesses, and bring the community together. 

You can find my events at SkyCasper.com. Contact me on Facebook if you’d like to talk about anything, “Sky Casper Events.” I just enjoy making people smile.

Sky Casper
860.707.0989 | [email protected] | www.skycasper.com